RT Page helps major manufacturer deliver life-saving equipment to Bristol hospitals

May 12, 2020

RT Page helps major manufacturer deliver life-saving equipment to Bristol hospitals

RT Page and Sons has delivered life-saving ventilators to NHS hospitals in Bristol, on a non-profit basis.

The West-Sussex based TPN Member has been supporting a major manufacturing customer which responded to the government’s call for new suppliers of the urgently needed medical equipment.

“This is one of those situations where everyone has to do what they can as effectively as they can,” says RT Page MD Nick Tree. “The manufacturers have stepped up and produced excellent equipment as quickly as possible. We in turn have provided the logistics to get these pieces of kit into ICUs in Bristol as quickly as possible, so that they can be used to save lives.

“We had no interest in making a profit in this instance,” says Nick. “It’s simply our small contribution to saving lives.”

The Arundel-based company is better known as a major European events specialist, being responsible for ensuring that all the staging and equipment for major acts is packed up and delivered to locations around the world for sell-out tours. However, it also has a strong domestic logistics division, and is a Member of THE Pallet Network.

“We help our clients, whatever their need, whether that is a worldwide tour, or a bespoke local solution,” says Nick. “If it’s logistics, it’s our kind of job.”

Like the rest of the TPN network, RT Page has continued working throughout the lockdown period, supporting essential deliveries, existing and new customers and the increased demand for home delivery.


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